Construction Site

Construction Site

49 Episodes

Enter the world of a construction site, where friends learn to do their best!

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Construction Site
  • Sunk
    Episode 32


    Episode 32

    When the younger machines accidentally knock a load of oil drums into the dock they are too scared to own up to their mistake.

  • Tread Carefully

    Episode 28

    Diggs pleads with Bozer to let him wear some new, really fashionable treads.

  • Crane Of The Year

    Episode 22

    Carl has to knock a chimney down on the site today, giving him a chance to show why he is nominated for Crane Of The Year.

  • Going Solo

    Episode 21

    While Bozer is off-site, Diggs, only half-listening to Maxine, thinks she has told him it’s OK to do a job on his own.

  • Space Invaders

    Episode 20

    Scooch would like a bit more space in the idle house but Diggs and Carrie aren’t giving an inch.

  • A Good Mixer

    Episode 12

    The new machines have a lot of bricks to move, so many in fact that Diggs thinks they could use a little help from Maxine.

  • What I Do Best

    Episode 1

    When Diggs starts treating everyday jobs on the construction site as a competition, Bozer decides to introduce a real contest – the Machine Challenge!

  • Grown Up For A Day

    Episode 11

    When Diggs saves Carl from a nasty accident, the older machines decide it’s time he started hanging out with them.

  • Safe and Sound

    Episode 48

    The trucks are working in the snowy mountains where safety is the number one priority and safety gear is de rigour.

  • Call Of The Forest

    Episode 46

    Diggs plays a prank on Scooch, encouraging him to pursue the mysterious "call of the forest."

  • Testing Behavior

    Episode 49

    It’s time for the CCT (Construction Certificate Test) and all the machines are very excited. Well, everyone except Carrie.

  • If Trucks Could Fly

    Episode 47

    When a daredevil dump truck comes to town, Scooch is thrilled to find out that Lug used to be one himself.

  • Magno-Carrie

    Episode 44

    Carrie doesn’t understand how to work her flashy new re-charger.

  • Don't Panic

    Episode 43

    Bozer has gone off site and left Carl in charge - something that always ends in total chaos!

  • Parp Idle

    Episode 45

    Due to a wall of ice that Carl can’t even shift, the machines are stuck on a slippery mountain road.

  • Whodunnit

    Episode 39

    The machines are shocked to find that during the night the new multi storey car park they were building has been destroyed.

  • Days Of Blunder

    Episode 38

    A site scattered with piles of materials inspires Diggs to suggest an obstacle race.

  • Hi-Pitched Bozer

    Episode 41

    Bozer returns from a servicing only to find that his big deep boomy boss voice has changed to something very high and squeaky!

  • Fog
    Episode 42


    Episode 42

    The young machines procrastinate on a job, and pay the price when a thick fog rolls in.

  • Carl Wash

    Episode 40

    Carl’s inventions are legendary…for being a disaster.

  • Junkyard

    Episode 36

    Diggs frightens Carrie and Scooch with made up tales of the monster ‘Truckzilla.’

  • Carnival Capers

    Episode 37

    It’s Maxine’s ‘mileage day’ and the machines organize a Carnival Party to celebrate!

  • The Way Of The Bodger

    Episode 35

    Diggs and Scooch are working on some foundations and are tired and fed up.

  • One Roll At A Time

    Episode 34

    Diggs discovers Bozer is scared of water, much to Bozer’s embarrassment.