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#788 - Are Eyes REALLY the Window to the Soul?

Binge Daily Devo From The Beginning (700+ Episodes) • 11m
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Up Next in Binge Daily Devo From The Beginning (700+ Episodes)

  • #789 - Trust and Believe

    Brittani is back for a very songtastic edition of WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! This week, our song is Trust and Believe by Yancy! You ready to worship? Let's jam!

  • #790 - Did Christians REALLY Always G...

    Cam is running a little behind today so until he arrives, it's THE NOPE SHOW! Hopefully Cam doesn't take too long... But, when he does arrive, the two of them will take on the topic of Did Christians In the Bible Really ALWAYS get along? Also, another look at this week's memory verse!

  • #791 - Does The Lord REALLY Work in M...

    Britanni is here for the final day of our What's NOT In The Bible series! What topic does she have for us? It's a doozy: Does the bible really say that the Lord Works in Mysterious Ways? We've probably all heard that expression, but where did it come from? Plus, a final look at this week's stunt!