#774 - Sunrise
Binge Daily Devo From The Beginning (700+ Episodes)
9m 5s
It's WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! Our pal Cam is here to present our song for the week "Sunrise" by The Kingdom Here! What a great song to kick off the new year!
Up Next in Binge Daily Devo From The Beginning (700+ Episodes)
#775 - Were There REALLY Giants in th...
We have a question: were there REALLY giants in the Bible? Brittani helps us unpack that question and we learn a WHOLE lot more! Plus, another look at this week's memory verse!
#776 - Will God Give You More Than Yo...
It's Friday and Cam is back to lead us into the weekend. But before we get there, we have a new topic to examine: does the Bible REALLY promise that God will not give you more than you can handle? Only one way to find out!
#777 - Does God REALLY Sit On a Throne?
Brittani is here to help us kick off the week and answer today's question? Does God REALLY sit on a throne in the sky? I know you can picture that in your mind, but is it in the Bible? Let's find out!