#755 - CELEBRATION: Noel's Thanksgiving Story
Binge Daily Devo From The Beginning (700+ Episodes)
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! We hope you are having the most incredible day with friends and family if you are able. Today, Jenisys is our host as we retell Noel's incredible Thanksgiving Story! Come help us CELEBRATE the day!
Up Next in Binge Daily Devo From The Beginning (700+ Episodes)
#756 - CELEBRATION: A Very Big Celebr...
Today is the FINAL DAY of the Under Construction Series. We have learned a lot. Sometimes, it might have felt overwhelming! But today, we are going out with a bang! A BIG CELEBRATION! And Cam is just the guy to lead it. Put on your celebration shoes!
#758 - A Star, You Say?
The Scripture Sleuth is back and he has discovered deeeeeep in the Old Testament...ANOTHER CLUE! What is it? Check to find out. Plus, Colleen has a tricky wrapping job today! Can she do it in time?!?
#759 - Joy To The World
What a joyous day it is! Worship Wednesday! Today, The Scripture Sleuth hosts as we join together to sing JOY TO THE WORLD by Listener Kids! Sing with us!