Dispatching the Grand Duchess’ Disrespectful Desserts
If You Love Superbook, You'll Love Bibleman!
What kind of villain bakes wickedly delicious cinnamon buns? The kind that shows up at lunchtime to entice young Ricky to eat them—and totally lose all respect for his dad and for customers at the family-run General Store. Oh, and she also lures Bibleman into a trap. She’s one bad baker.
Bible story: Jesus as a boy. Key verse: Luke 2:52
Up Next in If You Love Superbook, You'll Love Bibleman!
Fracturing the Falsehoods of the Fibb...
The new kid at school isn’t fitting in. But when some students start mocking her, she pours out a blizzard of words that totally intimidates everybody around her. Wait, why is the Bibleteam getting an alarm just because a young girl stands up to some bullies? Is there more here than meets the eye...
Pulverizing the Plans of the Prince o...
With his latest invention, the Ego Boost Ray, the Prince of Pride and his dull henchman are turning middle-school Champion Mathlete, Becky Thomas, into a painfully proud person. Can the Bible team reverse the effect by using their Containment Protocol Jericho? It’s a battle-royal!
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Expelling the Empress of Unhappiness ...
The sneaky Empress of Unhappiness embarrasses young Hailey into dumping her Christian CD by Exaltation for a “cooler” disc by the Empress’ own band called The Dizmalz. Hailey listens and become depressed. Maybe the Bibleteam should check out The Dizmalz concert?
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