Baby Baby

Baby Baby

40 Episodes

Welcome to the enchanting world of Baby Baby, a cozy, safe and joyful place where babies can be babies — happy, silly, sleepy, cute, and even cranky. Baby Baby give preschoolers a peek inside the playroom to watch, listen and learn about babies. Baby Baby focuses on imaginative play and emotional development to help nurture empathy in young viewers.

Baby Baby
  • Quiet Time

    Episode 37

    The babies and their friends love to unwind and have some quiet time together. Sometimes a little nap goes a long way. Let’s rest and get ready for more. adventures and playtime!

  • Let’s Explore

    Episode 35

    The babies and their friends use their senses to explore the world around them. They love to feel textures, smell the fresh air, taste yummy foods, see the flowers and listen to the birds. Life is beautiful!

  • Let’s Go Outside

    Episode 36

    The babies and their friends love being outside in the fresh air. They enjoy moving their bodies and playing together. What do you like to do outside?

  • Let’s Dress Up

    Episode 38

    The babies and their friends love to put on costumes and have some fun. Dressing up is a great way to use your imagination in the playroom. Do you have a favorite costume?

  • Friendship

    Episode 39

    The babies and their friends enjoy spending time together. Friends can be brothers, sisters, cousins and the neighbors who live down the street. Who do you like to spend time with?

  • Hanging Out

    Episode 40

    The babies and their friends enjoy each other’s company. Sometimes it’s fun to hang out and be in the moment together. Who do you like to hang out with and what do you like to do?

  • Animals Friends

    Episode 29

    The babies and their friends love learning about animals, especially baby animals! They also play vet and help make a puppy and a lion feel all better.

  • Baby’s Firsts

    Episode 34

    The babies and their friends have so much to celebrate. Babies have so many firsts!

  • Snow Day

    Episode 21

    The babies and their friends are excited to play in the snow! They head outside and have some fun making a snowman and sledding down the hill.

  • Playing Restaurant

    Episode 25

    The babies and their friends set up a cafe in the backyard. The babies love to play restaurant with the big kids! What would you like to try off our menu?

  • On the Go

    Episode 31

    The babies and their friends never stop moving, especially when they play with anything on wheels. Wheels go round and round and we are on the go!

  • Let’s Get Moving

    Episode 33

    The babies and their friends are moving and grooving together. It feels good to get the wiggles out when you move around. Come on, let’s get moving!

  • Let’s Play School

    Episode 32

    The babies and their friends play school in the backyard. They learn together and have fun being teachers and students. Learning is playing and playing is learning.

  • Let’s Count

    Episode 24

    The babies and their friends are having fun and learning to count together. Okay, now let’s play store…count me in!

  • Laundry Day

    Episode 27

    The babies and their friends roll up their sleeves and do the laundry. They mix water and soap together in a bucket and have fun at the same time. Splish, splash the laundry is all clean and hanging in the sunshine to dry.

  • Firefighters

    Episode 30

    The babies and their friends are learning about firefighters. Firefighters are pretty amazing! They also drive awesome red trucks and keep us safe.

  • Gardening

    Episode 26

    The babies and their friends have lots of projects in the garden. They water the plants, pick veggies, and enjoy gardening together.

  • Clean Up

    Episode 28

    The babies and their friends work together and clean up the playroom. They have a great time and before you know it, the playroom is spick and span! Well done everyone.

  • Let’s Build

    Episode 23

    The babies and their friends like to build and construct together. What will they build today? Maybe a tower…and the best part is knocking it down!

  • Playground

    Episode 22

    The babies and their friends are busy on the playground. There is so much to do! They love to play on the swings, slide down the slide and try new things.

  • Wheels

    Episode 5

    The babies and their friends discover the wonder of wheels and things that move. Trucks, trains and cars… yay!!

  • Water

    Episode 6

    The babies and their friends have fun exploring water. It’s a splash!

  • Toys
    Episode 16


    Episode 16

    The babies and their friends have fun playing with lots of toys at a playdate. So many toys, so little time!

  • Sports

    Episode 8

    The babies and their friends play with balls and discover sports. Game on!