Kids Songs to learn Spanish by Alina Celeste - Vamos a la vuelta
Alina Celeste (164 Videos)
1m 54s
Kids Songs to learn Spanish by Alina Celeste - Vamos a La Vuelta is a classic folk song I learned from Mi Amigo Hamlet. It's funny and a little gross - so perfect!
Up Next in Alina Celeste (164 Videos)
Michimu Goodbye by Alina Celeste - bi...
Kids Songs to say Goodbye - Michimu Goodbye by Alina Celeste - bilingual transitions on a ukulele!
I wrote this goodbye song for my work at the Miami Children's Museum. It's a bilingual song in Spanish and English with a gentle, waltz time and great for transitions!
Kids Songs to Learn Shapes by Alina C...
Kids Songs to Learn Shapes by Alina Celeste - Old Brass Wagon in English.
This old square dancing song is great for learning shapes! Fine and gross motor skills, movement, singing, it's got it all. Let's draw some shapes.
Little Bunny Foo Foo by Alina Celeste...
Little Bunny Foo Foo is a classic song I haven't stopped singing since my own childhood. Sometimes, I squish up the puppet's face and say "turned him into a squishy-faced goon!"