Human Nature

  • Chapter 25 | Adaptability, Kindness and Love

    From this episode on, we will have the honor of receiving again all the guests who visited the Human Nature set, with new stories that will reinforce the values that in previous programs were the central theme of the interviews.
    We will begin with Onai el pulpo who will talk to us about adaptabi...

  • Chapter 26 | Special Program "Jade's Birthday"

    Human Nature ends its first season with nothing more and nothing less than the celebration of the birthday of our beloved host Jade the giraffe, who will take the day off to enjoy the beautiful beaches of Hawaii where he will live the adventure of trying to learn to surf with Soni the seal.

  • Chapter 27 | Patience, Creativity, Responsibility

    Naturaleza Humana begins its second season with some interesting novelties. We will formally introduce Kiwi who will now also accompany Jade in the studio and this season's surprise will be "The Human Nature Music Band".
    Jade the giraffe will be in charge of bringing us the most special guests fr...

  • Chapter 28 | Empathy, Respect, Acceptance

    In this episode, Hugo the whale, visits us to remind us of an important value to take into account in our lives, empathy. It will be through a story where a girl, Luisa, will have to put herself in the place of her grandmother, to understand that they are different and accept that not everything ...

  • Chapter 29 | Forgiveness, Generosity and Kindness

    In our program today, we will again address forgiveness, a wonderful theme that will be developed by our friend Muncheé el Alce through a story between two Alaskan brothers.
    Then Clara the Cow visits us to remind us all about generosity and the importance of giving as much as we can without expe...

  • Chapter 30 | Commitment, Cooperation, Determination

    In this opportunity, Human Nature brings back the Pearl and Pepe penguins to talk to us about commitment, showing us different ways in which we can demonstrate it. It is a way of being responsible and keeping our word.
    Then, he visits us again, from Granada, Allegra the ant to remind us what com...

  • Chapter 31 | Loyalty, Self-control and Integrity

    This first part brings as guests three beautiful puppies, Snowble, Spike and Ginger, who visited us before and who better than them to talk to us about loyalty, an indispensable value not only in friendship relationships, but in all relationships. They will also tell us how we can make it manifes...

  • Chapter 32 | Tolerance, Unity and Leadership

    Human Nature brings for us again, from Hawaii to Soni the seal, she will tell us about tolerance through the story of Kristin, who had to be reminded that sometimes other people's opinions are contrary to ours, so it is important to be tolerant.
    We will continue with Rafi the rabbit and the valu...

  • Chapter 33 | Curiosity, Trust and Courage

    In this opportunity Domenico the deer will visit us again to talk to us about curiosity and how important it is to have it in order to obtain new learning, to get out of doubts. However, we will learn that we must use it with moderation so that it does not become something negative.
    Then Harry t...

  • Chapter 34 | Wisdom, Hope and Inclusion

    In this opportunity, Human Nature brings back the value of wisdom, with a very wise guest, Otto the Owl, who will advise us that we should use our knowledge and experiences to solve problems.
    Then Dante the dragonfly will bring hope to our program by telling us that we must believe in what we wan...

  • Chapter 35 | Humility, Ethics and Endurance

    In this episode, we will receive our friend Karin the camel, who will come to remind us of the importance of humility and the difference between receiving praise and being presumptuous. Humility is when we show others that we don't think we are better than anyone else, even if we are very good at...

  • Chapter 36 | Perseverance, Honesty and Individuality

    As is customary, Human Nature brings us three guests who will bring us the teaching of three important values essential to life.
    We will begin with Bolivar the beaver, who comes to give us the key to perseverance. To be persevering we must have a clear objective that justifies the effort, no matt...

  • Chapter 37 | Solidarity, Courage and Compassion

    In this program we will bring back three important guests.
    We will start with Okena the Ostrich, to talk about solidarity, an important value to consider when it comes to interacting with people as it refers to helping and collaborating with others, especially with those who need it most.
    Next, ...

  • Chapter 38 | Purpose, Effort and Knowledge

    Our program will begin with a guest from Latin America, Lluvia la llama, who will come to talk to us about the purposes, which is the firm intention to do something. Once we have a purpose, it is the beginning to draw up a plan in order to achieve it.
    Then Saira the spider visits us to tell us a...

  • Chapter 40 | Communication, Flexibility and Equality

    In this opportunity in Human Nature, Paco la guacamaya, an expert in communication, visits us from Peru. This time he will come to tell us a story that will show us the importance of other means of communication different from the electronic ones and although they seem obsolete in this epoch, the...

  • Chapter 41 | Truthfulness, Trust and Equity

    Human Nature returns with three great guests.
    Beginning with Pecas la cerdita, who will talk to us about truthfulness, which is about being authentic, frank and sincere with ourselves and with others. That way, people will be able to trust us, our actions and our words.
    Then Pascal the porcupine...

  • Chapter 42 | Humor, Optimism and Initiative

    In this opportunity, Human Nature brings back three guests to reinforce three important values.
    We will begin with Max the Monkey, who will fill us with humor, which is an energy that produces smiles and laughter in others. It is extremely contagious, and produces well-being, not only for oursel...

  • Chapter 43 | Resilience, Organization and Justice

    In this opportunity, they return to the study of Human Nature:
    Jacinta the resilient jellyfish, with the story of Moani, a girl who was very sad because she had to start her school year in a different section than her usual group of friends. But it will be Jacinta who will give her the energy to...

  • Chapter 44 | Self-discipline, Independence and Service

    In this opportunity, Human Nature brings us back to:
    Halie the bee will come to reinforce the value of self-discipline, which aims to organize us in such a way that we can accomplish different tasks in a certain way, so that we can achieve greater goals.
    Then Caressa the cat brings us a story w...

  • Chapter 45 | Sincerity, Peace and Moderation

    On this occasion, we are visited again: The Quetzal bird directly from Guatemala to talk to us about education, which is the way we teach, learn and transmit knowledge, our culture, values, customs and our way of being. It is something very important for our development and growth, and goes beyon...

  • Chapter 46 | Sincerity, Peace and Moderation

    In this opportunity, they visit us again: Felista la flamenco. She will explain to us that to be honest, we don't need to hurt people's feelings. We can perfectly well differ in some thought and take it for granted without being hurtful. As it happened to Wangari who found himself in the need to ...

  • Chapter 47 | Care, Full Attention and Tenacity

    In this opportunity he visits us in the study of Human Nature:
    Piper the pelican, to talk to us about care, which is the value that drives us to do things the best way possible, to treat others well and conserve our environment in optimum condition, respecting animals and plants.
    Then Kendall t...

  • Chapter 48 | Innovation, Citizenship and Enthusiasm

    We will begin this episode with the visit of Ollie, the oropendola bird, to talk to us about Innovation, which is when our curiosity or need leads us to find new solutions and challenges.
    Then Ecco the Eagle will tell us how important is the meaning of citizenship, which is about the relationshi...

  • Chapter 49 | Excellence, Respect and Tolerance

    To Human Nature they return: Faraz the falcon to speak to us of the excellence with a history in where it was the promoter so that Nabila, a girl with much potential and the dream of being a professional swimmer, made an effort and took his aspiration to the excellence.
    Then our friend Tetsuo th...